Lindsay Dew
Sale: Available Paintings
Sale: Love Letters Collection 2
Sold Out: Love Letters Collection 1
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Sale: Available Paintings
Sale: Love Letters Collection 2
Sold Out: Love Letters Collection 1
Private Collections
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Love Letter, XI, 2020, Acrylic and ink on water color paper. $60.00 framed.
Love Letter, XIII, 2020, Acrylic and ink on water color paper. $60.00 framed.
Love Letter, XIV, 2020, Acrylic and ink on water color paper. $60.00 framed.
Love Letter, XV, 2020, Acrylic and ink on water color paper. $60.00 framed.
Love Letter, XVI, 2020, Acrylic and ink on water color paper. $60.00 framed.
Love Letter, XVII, 2020, Acrylic and ink on water color paper. $60.00 framed.
Love Letter, XVIII, 2020, Acrylic and ink on water color paper. $60.00 framed.
Love Letters, series 2, (8x10 inches) pictured in envelopes.
Framed or enveloped Love Letters
Framed Love Letter, 2020, artwork is 8x10 inches and framed it is 9x11inches.